

For those of you (few) who still haven't downloaded the mixtapes I've deemed "Pirate Radio"

(dis one is 1)
(dat one is 2)

here is a little sample.

(here's a link to its youtube page...)
This is not the best song on there, but it still is very good (else it wouldn'a gone on the mix!, right?).
I put it up today because I said it might be racist.


You know, the Prof. Gates thing is dying down, Conrad and I disputing about it notwithstanding. Beer either calms or inflames. Seemingly, with Gates/Obama/Crowley, it calmed; with Conrad and I, it inflamed.

Hopefully, the song, along with this blog post, will reinvigorate the debate. Really get America discussing race.
Or, race-baiting will garner me a few more hitz.
I'd be really psyched either way.

Why (might) it be racist? Minstrel show type stuff. Guy goes to jungle, nearly gets cannibalized. Jungle chants, etc. You know, 'that sort'.


Hookah Starbuzz Tobacco said...
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christophresh said...

But really, is it racist?
At all, even a little?

Blingforfun HipHop Bracelets Belts Buckles Wholesale said...
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christophresh said...

Another spam comment...somehow, spambots like racism?