
AMX: Bringing Forth the Fruit of Earthly Delights


I pridefully present another installment of AMX Mixes !
This lil' monster goes by a number of names. Technically, the ZIP is called "Unsafe at Any Speed", but alternate names include

DeathProof (remember, the distant paternity of all AMX mixes is Tarantino movie soundtracks)
Only the Good Die Young
Attack of the Leader of the Pack
Rebel Beat

Profoundly intrigued- that's what you are!
Here is a youtuby from one of the tracks, the very movie, very driving around, very mod "Il Giardino Delle Delizie" by Ennio Morricone.

Hitherto, for these mixes, which come in at around 15 songs, I have described TheWholeThingAllAtOnce.
Which many found, reasonably enough, to be a bit overwhelming.
So I will now present a few songs, every now and again, and each one will come with a little posty-clicky for downloady, for the whole mix.

Here is the tracklisting, but in alphabetical order. Wanna know what order they really go in?
Better download it then. AMX: Unsafe At Any Speed

(the symbol between title and artist?: it's a car, with skidmarks behind and headlights in front! Pretty good, what?!)

Attack of the Ghost Riders €< The Raveonettes

Boom Boom €< The Animals

Casseurs de Raison €< Pierre Rapsat

Down by the Riverside €< Bill Haley and His Comets

Down the Line €< Ricky Nelson

Guitar Freakout €< The Ventures

Hitchhike €< Martha & The Vandellas

Il Giardino Delle Delizie €< Ennio Morricone

Land of 1000 Dances €< Cannibal and the Headhunters

Let's Go €< The Routers

Love Is A Deserter €< The Kills

Lovers Who Wander €< Dion

Rebel Rouser €< Duane Eddy

State Trooper €< Bruce Springsteen

Teen Beat €< Sandy Nelson

Lots of rapid-fire snare drums. Provocative organ work. Teenage harmonies (teenagers like cars).
You'll see: a perfect mix for driving and for being driven.
AMX: Unsafe At Any Speed

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