
Welcome Back

I am now back in Portland, and listening to my IPhone's mp3s. A very loose collection of stuff made it onto my phone's IPod.
I'll post up those songs which I think you all could make friends with: post them as I hear them, more or less.

Here is one such tune, and very appropriate to start off with:

Evidently, this is the theme song to "Welcome Back Kotter", which I have never really seen. Which means that, while you can get multiple videos of "theme song" length -- including one with footage from Grand Theft Auto!? and another from Final Fantasy VII!?! -- I could not find any longer* version.
(Note that the above video does not even mention the name of the artist who sang it!: John Sebastian. I'd be insulted- but then, he's prob dead.)

S'okay- all I really needed, which is included in both short videos, are the lines:

"Well, we tease him a lot/
'cos we got him on the spot;
Welcome Back."

* ! Newsflash! This Just In!
My Mom has just cracked an egg of knowledge all over the place: back in the 70's, some theme songs were written special for the show. "Kotter" is such a theme. So, the original version is the above short version! And what I have on my IPod is a later version, which they lengthened some, to 2:40-ish. So while the above videos for John Sebastian's "Welcome Back" are odd -- deeply odd -- they do in fact give you the original version.

(I prefer the extra minute, tbf ['to be frank'].)

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