I'm trying an experiment:
I'm writing two blogs simultaneously, so that you will have shorter posts, and more of them. We'll see if this works.
They are opposed twins, so we'll call them Romulus and Remus.
One is posted today, the other soon after.
I first was going to have one of my oft-postponed "X-Battles", where I pit two songs in band-to-band combat. This battle then morphed into these twinned posts; which then morphed into a different X-Battle.
There are a series of battles running here:
Oregon X Pennsylvania; (both posts)
Rain X Sun; (next post)
New band X Old band (aka blogbuzz vs reissues); (next)
New band doing a Cover X the Original; (this post)
Scuzz production X Cleanroom production (both).
Now, we will have drugged drugged drugged band SALEM trying to outdo the BOSS himself (who is probably really sober) .
Brustreet - SALEM
Above is Salem covering Bruce Springsteen's great "Streets of Philadelphia". Salem has an EP called "Yes I Smoke Crack". Here is a picture of an historic building in Salem, Oregon, with a crack in it:
This band Salem is probably named after Witch-Trials Salem, but Salem is also the meth-addled capital of Oregon. (I'm more concerned with getting things stolen in OR than PA: meth = stealing, and meth is not much of a drug out here in PA, because meth also = country.)
Salem the band sound like (recently legalized) Absinthe mixed with Oxycontin instead of sugar; like cough syrup mixed with boxed wine; like My Bloody Valentine mixed with the Knife and with strains of chopped and screwed Southern/Midwestern hip-hop : CHOP the pill; and unSCREW the wine.
Oregon is the only state with a two-sided flag. The flag, other than that, is very boring, and why are the letters all crooked??.
Salem is the capital of Oregon- and you ask, "Why not Portland, which I've actually heard of? Or at least Eugene, which has a big ol' university in it?"
Almost all state capitals are the not-biggest city, and this is done on purpose: it is to counteract the very real and very natural power (economic, cultural, geographical) that cities possess more of than do rural areas. This discrepancy occurs even when the cities hold significantly less people in them than the countryside.
(In Oregon, it is a rough balance, #-wise, between quasi-libertarian rightists and "Little Beirut" leftists: left lives in cities, and so has the upper-hand. IT'S A FACT!!)
Placing the capital outside of the largest city helps to strike a balance of the "naturally opposed humours"; the haves and the haves-less.
I steal this idea from Machiavelli. It occurs in both "On Principalities", his most-famous text (aka "Da Prince"), and his "Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius" and is key to uniting his championing of both quasi-tyrannical power and quasi-democratic republicanism.
--this is Prince on a high-school b-ball team:
Ahem! But, see, Rome's battles, with external enemies and with itself (have X have-less; city X country; Citizen X slaves), are appropriate here:
Rome itself was a productive clash of discipline (the Boss- how long has he been around? about as long as Rome itself: this requires discipline),
and the insanity of a dark violent youth: what do you think propelled and compelled them to take their many older neighbors as enemies, again and again? What do you think pushed citizen against citizen, time and again? (It wasn't drug disputes.)
What do you think drove Rome, with little rhyme or reason (but with plenty of instrumental rationality), to move from ruling nothing, to ruling 7 hills, to ruling from England to Africa to India?.
So Rome itself must be understood as a clash between Salem and Bruce Springsteen- this much has obviously been established- and the question is, who gets the greater share of the legacy?
Streets Of Philadelphia - Bruce Springsteen
Who won the battle? I expect you to argue, to battle this out in the comments section.
I created Soul Sides 20 years ago because I wanted an outlet to write about
my favorite records. The blog era feels bygone — and I clearly stopped
Here's the deal.
Not sure if I can make PJ Harvey. Talk to me about it.
Meanwhile...so I'm going to try to get everyone to come with me to Dorneypark and Wildwater Kingdom for my birthday on June 18. But Salem is playing with a couple of other queer bands at Butt Magazine (The Fantastic Magazine for Gay Men)'s 5-year anniversary party at the Knitting Factory in NYC that night.
Should I try to do both?
What say you?
Is "fantastic magazine for gay men" the official subtitle of Butt, or did you add that just to specify?
I just read that the Knitting Factory closed down a while ago, and thought "that can't be so; they still have shows there?!?!?". I'm glad that you confirmed that it is still alive and kicking
Although, maybe it just moved? This was a geography-specific article. It was also very bad in many respects. We can talk about that later, too.
Let me know about what other bands: we need an excuse to summer in NYC.
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